Like it or not, California is in a severe and possibly permanent drought!

On April 1, 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown stated that:   "People should realize we are in a new era. The idea of your nice little green lawn getting watered every day, those days are past."

Rightly or wrongly, no amount of political rhetoric is going to change the basic fact that California landscapers statewide are going to need to change their emphasis to designs utilizing drought-tolerant plants.

Your home  is a long-term investment!

A family's home in many instances is their biggest financial investment and a long term one.   As such, it's our position that any new drought-tolerant landscape should be one of beauty and functionality that adds significant value to the property instead of detracting from it.

Some communities have offered rebates or tax credits to homeowners who get rid of their grass lawns and replace them with less water-intensive landscapes. Although the idea sounds good, most of the new landscapes we have seen can best be described almost as an afterthought -- mediocre at best and beyond ugly for many

Cacti and succulents are magnificent creations of Nature!

Instead of replacing your lawn with what are essentially weeds, strategically-positioned cactus and succulents -- the right varieties of which bloom annually and frequently -- are magnificent plants that at times will leave your visitors in awe with their beauty and unbelievable fragrance.

In our opinion, and not because we are in the cactus business, cacti are magnificent creations of Nature that can hold their own against any other decorative garden plants. And,  as a bonus,  some varieties can even serve as a living fence if you want!

Possible landscaping scenarios!


























































And mix species for variety....






















You might include elegant clusters or rows of echinopsis that bloom from late February through October with spectacular and fragrant flowers....









The possibilities are endless, so use your creative energy to come up with ideas that suit your personal taste. We do not do actual landscaping.   We provide landscaping ideas -- at no charge! If you need help, call or email us and we will help you come up with something unique to  you that you might like.

Think before you landscape!

Coming up with the correct drought-tolerant landscape should be a well thought-out process and you should not hurry it up. If you are going to add many thousands of dollars to your home's value, it only makes sense that you think the project through with careful forethought and planning.   We are here to help you!

Here are some desert-themed landscapes that we have seen in our travels.  Use your imagination!
































You can cluster them for dramatic effect....





















The photo shows the front of a house with drought-tolerant white and very fragrant blooming echinopsis plants grown and displayed  in pots so that they can be easily moved to different locations until you find the ones that fit your tastes best. 

Golden barrel cactus might be used to partition different sections of your property or to define a walkway.